
Netu’im - Local Pride, Leadership Program for Local Young Adults

‘Netu’im – Local Pride’, from Memizrach Shemesh – Kol Israel Haverim, is a leadership program for local young adults, which cultivates young homegrown leadership in the periphery. This leadership is connected to its identity, socially aware, and socially active in the community to benefit and contribute to the place where they grew up, and where they are building their lives.

The program builds a positive ethos for the periphery, increases the sense of local belonging, and the involvement of homegrown, young adults in social and communal activity in the periphery, the Negev, and the Galilee. The program fosters their sense of identity and social awareness, while cultivating the next generation of leaders by connecting them to the Jewish sources, specifically the Jewish Sephardic traditions.

The Netu’im program chooses quality, homegrown students, who view the center of their lives in the place where they grew up, and who are filled with the motivation to better their communities. The students, who receive an academic scholarship, participate in a Jewish learning process and leadership workshop, as a basis for building community initiatives and social involvement.

The Jewish sources they learn, which focus on social issues, enable a personal journey and group process that fosters an open dialogue and connection to identity. Both the leadership tools and the social experience they receive help build them as community leaders.

Netu’im – Memizrach Shemesh works in partnership with: the Posen Foundation, the Adelis Foundation, the Tsaba Foundation, the Matanel Foundation, the JF of Greater Philadelphia, and the JF of Greater Metrowest; in partnership with the Office for the Development of the Periphery, Negev, and Galilee, the National Lottery, local municipalities and Young Adult Centers in the periphery, Negev, and Galilee.

Each year, Netu’im trains 600 young leaders in 8 cities.