Hacham HaYomi - The Daily Sage
A Digital Database of Biographies and Accessible Sources from the Sages of Israel
The digital database, ‘Hacham HaYomi’ (The Daily Sage) – Kol Israel Haverim, creates connections to the traditions of Sephardic Jewry. In this database, there are hundreds of biographies, and thousands of accessible sources from the writings of the Sages of Israel from past generations, primarily Sephardic Sages and those from Islamic lands. Some of the sources were copied from original hand-written pages or from older publications, which are not accessible to the wider public.
The Daily Sage opens up the world of the Sages of Israel, from countries throughout the world, particularly the Sephardic Sages and those from Islamic lands. It builds anew the stones of memory that were gathered, and returns the assets of this legacy, in a modern and accessible way, to the wider public in Israel, and all of the communities in Israel.
Each day on the Internet site, ‘Hacham HaYomi’, there is a page of learning that includes a variety of sources from the writings of one of the Sages of Israel on the anniversary of his death, in the original, often archaic, language. The sources deal with the values of ‘Love of Eretz Israel’, ‘Tzedakah’, ‘The Redemption of Israel’, ‘Studying Torah’, ‘Customs’, ‘Traditions of the Fathers’, and ‘Between Israel and the Nations’.
A daily learning page is also posted on social media, and disseminated to thousands of members. It is also broadcast as a weekly corner on the radio right before Shabbat. The database website offers the opportunity to peruse thousands of accessible sources, as well as download study booklets, posters, and videos, offering an infrastructure of activities to develop educational products, and a vital resource for the Jewish People.
The Daily Sage works in partnership with the Posen Foundation.
On the Daily Sage website there are hundreds of biographies and thousands of sources of the Sages of Israel representing 40 countries.